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One of your most important jobs as a massage therapist starts before your begin your massage with proper positioning. 
When a client is positioned properly your work becomes easier and more effective.
At Nirvana Massage Tables we design products that promote proper positioning. Clients will be happier, treatment outcomes will be better and you will be a step ahead of your competition.


Sam introduces you to the pitfalls of client positioning on standard massage tables and offers some advice on proper positioning.


Applying Peak Positioning involves using your observational and palpation skills to identify areas of tension or holding which require PEAK support. This process is a mindful approach which gives the practitioner important information about the client and encourages the client to develop a greater awareness of their body and their own tendency to hold or maintain positions which create more tension. This first video covers theory of positioning, reviews 4 treatment positions and examines postural variations of the feet, pelvis and lower back, thoracic and cervical spine.

Go to GotYourBack-U to see the full Peak Positioning Series!

Visit GotYourBack-U for the full Peak Positioning class, featuring Prone, Supine, and Side-Lying positions.


Meditation by the sea


Applying Peak Positioning involves using your observational and palpation skills to identify areas of tension or holding which require PEAK support.  This process is a mindful approach which gives the practitioner important information about the client and encourages the client to develop a greater awareness of their body and their own tendency to hold or maintain positions/postures which create more tension.  There are many causes of postural variations and muscular-skeletal tension.  Some are congenital, others may be due to an accident or injury, still others may be caused by repetitive use of certain muscles, poor positioning and many are the result of cumulative physical and emotional stress. Bringing a client’s awareness to the difference between patterns of tension and areas where they are unconsciously holding and a more relaxed and open posture can have enormous benefits.  Most clients will experience this as a time of relaxation and connection.  Clients feel more secure and more connected to their bodies when they are positioned for optimal support.


521 E Hector St, Conshohocken, PA 19428, USA

(215) 254-6506

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(215) 254-6506

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